In our country, lamps are lit during the worship of gods and goddesses as well as to please the gods and goddesses. It is also said in astrology that lighting a lamp every day maintains positivity in the home. In astrology, crazy remedies have been charted. By doing this, you can brighten your destiny. According to astrology
We should light a lamp every day in remembrance of Bhairav to protect us from unknown fears. We should also light a lamp every day in remembrance of Lord Krishna for our family to be happy and prosperous.
The importance of lighting
According to astrology, it is believed that in work and in religious rituals, God is worshiped by lighting a lamp of ghee or oil. It is clearly stated in the scriptures. It is said that worshiping gods and goddesses removes every problem by lighting a lamp. In the light of a lamp, there is a real God.
By lighting the lamp at full price while doing Aarti, God takes away all your sorrows. And many other remedies for doing yoga are described in astrology.
Respect will increase: -Every morning by offering water to the Sun God and lighting a lamp in the house of worship so that those who do not get respect in the family are useful even though they do not get respect which
A person who wants to create a separate identity in the society. Worshiping the sun god in this way and lighting the lamp increases his respect in the society.
The scriptures say that by doing so, Suryadev fulfills every desire of the mind.
Wealth of fish: - Every Wednesday, by lighting a three-faced lamp in front of Ganesha and planting grass for him, there is always a wealth of money in the house.
The happiness of wealth in the home is achieved forever.
Satisfaction will be liberated from Shaniprakop: - Due to Shanidosh, a person is tormented by some trouble in life. Many people have Saturn in their horoscope. There are many problems to be faced due to Shanidosh. It often happens that there is no Jaan and there is Shanidosh in Kundli. Even if the mind gets tired of working hard, it does not get success in its work. This is not the fault of his hard work. The fault is the fault of Saturn in his horoscope. If Rahu-Ketu defect is found in Kundli except Shani, then by lighting linseed oil lamp in the morning and evening, one will get rid of this defect. While for the prevention of Shani Dosh, lighting a lamp of fern oil in Shani Mandir every Saturday will also remove that Dosh. As well as you will find success in every good deed you do.
Victory over Fear: -If you or any member of your household is distracted or frightened to go somewhere. Or if distraction is coming. If any unknown fear haunts the mind, go to Bhairav temple on Monday and Saturday and light fern oil. Trying this remedy will make you or your household members feel the rate. Any member of the household can use this lamp. Not only this, lighting a lamp in the temple of Bhairav will also remove the evil intentions of your enemies. Their bad intentions can't even bend your hair. Bhairavji Kripa will always be around you. He will not cause you any trouble in life.
Economic problem will be solved: -Anyone is suffering from financial problems or a person is spending Lakshmi from home without any reason and Lakshmi is not visible. So lighting a seven-faced lamp in front of Goddess Lakshmi, this problem will be removed by lighting a seven-faced lamp.
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